AdventHealth Reindeer Dash 5k 2023
Calendar Date:

Christmas Festival
8th Annual Reindeer Dash 5k Run/Walk
Presented by FLODASH
Dec 9, 8:30 AM EST
Howey-in-the-Hills, 100 Lakeshore Blvd, Howey-In-The-Hills, FL 34737, USA
All registered participants receive a time chipped race bib, jingle bells for their shoes, a candy cane, custom high quality race shirt (register early to guarantee your size), finish line medal, post race hot cocoa if it's cold to warm you up and a free draft beer or soft drink ticket from our finish line sponsor JB Boondocks! The Howey Men's Club will be selling pancake breakfast to benefit local charities.
Top finishers will be announced around 9:30 AM. Categories are top 3 Male and Female overall, First Male and Female Masters, and top 3 Male and Female in 10 year age groups, starting with 9 and under up to 70 and over. You may log in to our results page to view the results post race as participants finish.
To register or for more details please visit the FLODASH website.