Marianne Beck Memorial Library
A Little History........
The Marianne Beck Memorial Library is the pride and joy of Howey in the Hills. Begun as an Eagle Scout project in 1989, the library grew from a two-room space in a former carport with standing room only, to a full-fledged library complete with state of the art computers thanks to private monetary donations of concerned citizens in our small community. In only a few months’ time, the local residents joined together and raised nearly $50,000 for the interior remodeling of a former convenience store purchased by the town for use as the new library facility. Remodeling plans swung into high gear when the town was awarded four public computers, a server and a laser printer through the Gates Library Initiative grant funding program. In 2013 we enlarged the library by approximately 800 square feet. This enabled us to add more space for the children and a corner for sale books and a coffee nook. The Friends added a “reading garden” in the rear of the building and local residents, the Ernest’s, painted a mural on the outside back wall of the library.
The Library offers far more that books today. We have free computer programs that allow a patron to learn a new language, (Pronounciator), genealogy resources, (ancestry library edition which offers more resources than the personal version); as well as Heritage Quest. Have kids? Introduce them to This is an educational website for young children that provides online learning activities for 2-6 year olds. We also offer Learning Express Library which has a broad selection of academic and career-related resources, such as job searching and college admissions exams. Need a mailing list, market research, or even find friends or family? Try the A toZ database.
The library also offers opportunities to meet new friends and neighbors. Every Friday, join us for story time and crafts. For adults, we offer Canasta and Mahjong. We have a growing Chess club for kids and young adults. Special presentations are offered throughout the year by local authors, Chef Warren, public safety presentations, essential oils and others subjects and themes. We also offer an occasional movie night which has been successful thus far. The library offers special celebration days such as National Chocolate Chip day and Poetry day among others. We offer a home school class, available each month, which offers various programs and presentations such as field trips and guest speakers.
Two integral parts of the library are our Volunteer staff and the Friends of the Library. Our volunteers are a vital part of the library’s daily existence, as well as its future. The Friends are also a very important component of the library. The Friends raise money for items that the library is in need of or that will enhance our patron’s library experience, such as a DVR and TV for movie night and the coffee bar. The friends supply snacks for events and supplies for our summer reading program. They take care of our book donations and many other functions needed to operate the library on a daily basis
Have you been into the newly renovated Marianne Beck Memorial Library?
We re-opened in March 2013. We have updated and added additional space to our library. We now have one wall dedicated to local artists and their work. A small area devoted to books available to the public for a donation. A good selection of DVDs and paperbacks. Stop by and browse in our wonderful little hometown library!
The library is staffed by Amanda Moldan (Library Director), Hannah VanWagner (Librarian Assistant), and many wonderful volunteers. Volunteers are a vital part of the library's daily existence as well as its future. The library is such a busy place that we can always use more volunteers. If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please complete the volunteer application and submit it to Tara Hall at the library.
We are in the process of creating a 5-year plan to help better serve you. We would like your participation and assistance. Please click on this link and there will be a survey you can download, print-out, fill-out and return to our library.