Irrigation Schedule

Howey-in-the-Hills Irrigation Schedule


Howey-in-the-Hills follows the St Johns River Water Management District's Watering Restrictions.The St. Johns River Water Management District’s watering restrictions are designed to ensure the efficient use of water for landscape irrigation. The restrictions allow enough water to maintain healthy landscapes year-round. The mandatory restrictions specify the time when watering may occur, the amount of water that may be applied, and the days when watering may occur for residential and nonresidential locations. These days depend on whether the address ends in an odd or even number, and on the time of year.

Time of year Homes with odd numbered or no addresses Homes with even numbered addresses Nonresidential Properties
Daylight Savings Time Wednesday / Saturday Thursday / Sunday Tuesday / Friday
Eastern Standard Time Saturday Sunday Tuesday
  • Daylight saving time: Second Sunday in March until the first Sunday in November

  • Eastern Standard Time: First Sunday in November until the second Sunday in March

  • An odd numbered address is one that ends in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9.

  • An even numbered address is one that ends in 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0.

  • Water only when needed and not between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

  • Water for no more than one hour per zone.

  • Restrictions apply to private wells and pumps, ground or surface water and water from public and private utilities.

  • Some exceptions apply.


Please see the St Johns River Water Management District's Water Restricts site for more details